EzCad2UNI User’s Manual
Figure 4-32 Text element dialog box
Currently EzCad2 supports 9 types of variable text:
Fixed text: refers to the fixed invariable element in the operating process.
Serial number: The system will change the text according to the fixed increment when in
the operating process.
Date Code: When the operation is taking place, the system will automatically pick up the
date information from the computer as a new formed text.
Time: When the operation is taking place, the system will automatically pick up the time
information from the computer as a new formed text.
TCP/IP communication: When the operation is taking place, the system will pick up the text
from the network
Serial communication: When the operation is taking place, the system will pick up the text
from the serial port
File: The system will seriatim read what to be marked in the customized text file line by line.
Keyboard: Users can type text to be marked through keyboard when the marking is in
SQL database: The system will seriatim read what to be marked in the database line by line.
Fixed text
The fixed text is refers to the fixed invariable element in the operation process.
Figure 4-33 Fixed text
Change Line character: uses in variable text, can resolve the question about multi-text
must branch marking. When application, increases one change line character between two variable
texts, the software according to the change line character position automatic text branch. If many
texts need to divide into the multi-lines, only need in the behind where want to branch's text to
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